Nitrates Directive

The Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) was adopted by EU Member States in 1991 with the objective of reducing water pollution caused by nitrates and phosphates from agricultural point and diffuse sources. The main emphasis is on the sustainable management of livestock manures and artificial fertilisers.
In Ireland the Directive is subject to ongoing review by the Department of the Environment and involves consultation with key stakeholders. Farmers should be aware that the Nitrates Directive encourages greater efficiency in the use of nutrient inputs for crop production and will enhance the development of more profitable agricultural systems.
The Directive will, however, place increased demands on farmers to guarantee full compliance with agri-environmental regulations. Failure to comply could mean incurring fines and penalties leading to the loss of some or all of your Single Farm Payment. Geraghty Consulting provide advice and assistance in developing Nutrient Management Plans that will ensure compliance with these Directives while at the same ensuring profitable production.

Nitrates Directive – SI 610 of 2010 
Summary of changes in Nitrates Regulations
Movement of Organic Fertilisers